Winnipeg Folk Fest, July 10 2011

I’m not the official photographer or on the photo crew of the Folk Fest; I just pretend like I am, and people treat me like I’m “official”!

Al Simmons and Mitch Podolak looking ceremonial.




Sculpture by Curtis DeMeyer (yes. I think so)

Curtis DeMeyer

Esus is the Oak God of the Druids and the Celtic counterpart of Zeus and Jupiter. Symbolic of triumph and bravery, the energy of Esus was said to be manifested in the oak tree, making it the will of the gods and a doorway to inner spirituality and strength.

Curtis DeMeyer is a metal artist based in rural Manitoba.



Craig Hines narrowly avoids apprehension

Justin Davis


Ingrid Gatin




They are all in step with fashion










These little tufts of grass were poking up all over Birds Hill Park. Bert Luit got a shot of me lying on the ground


Bert Luit IS an official photographer (Bert Passed away in Jan 2012)




He made each letter from dozens of tiny watch gears and bits




Francis Leonard of The Secondhandpants


Art by a random little kid


Art by James Culleton


Art by Coral Maloney