“It’s the only newspaper that covers the entire Icelandic community.
With news about people and events from one end of North America to the other, as well as Iceland, Lögberg-Heimskringla has the full story on people of Icelandic descent, whether they live in Manitoba, North Dakota, Alberta, Utah, Nova Scotia… or any point in between.
It’s about people.
Lögberg-Heimskringla is full of original stories on people in the Icelandic and Icelandic North American scene, both past and present. Whether it’s a new feature article on up-and-coming musicians, a profile of fishermen following the tradition of their ancestors, or biographies of lives lived, Lögberg-Heimskringla is there.
It has something for everyone.
Lögberg-Heimskringla covers current events in Iceland, reviews books, movies, and music, follows sports, and keeps you up to date on coming events in your community. Our paper reflects the diversity of the hundreds of thousands of people whose heritage is Icelandic.
It’s your paper.
L-H has continuous publishing history going back to the early years of Icelandic settlement in North America.Heimskringla was founded in 1886, Lögberg in 1888; the two newspapers amalgamated in 1959. If you are of Icelandic descent, chances are someone in your family has made our headlines!”
The offices of the Logberg Heimskringla. 100-283 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg
L-H Treasurer Dan Snidal talks to Peter Bjornson; Member of the Legislative Assembly for Manitoba
Red for Fire and Blue for Ice.
Lögberg Heimskringla 125th Anniversary
Caelum Vatnsdal checks the sound. He was shooting a small documentary about L-H
A collection of Icelandic books
The Sólskríkjan Icelandic Canadian Choir was there!
Icelandic Themed Art by Karen Johannason of Lipton Street Studio
Peter Johnson, fundraising chair
L-H interim editor, Joan Eyolfson Cadham, Mrs. Bruce Johnson, Helga Sigurdson, Valdine Johnson
Margaret Kernasted, Audrey Juve Kwasnika,
The Lögberg Heimskringla from 1959
Icelandic Pannakukkar
The Icelanders don't drink tea. They drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee
Catherine Robertson, Oli, Peter Johnson, Tim Samson
Vínarterta courtesy of Gunnthora Gisladottir
Rullapysla. (Nom nom) donated by Pallson Fine Foods, Arborg
Linda F Sigurdson Collette, the other official photographer, Bruce Johnson
Alana Odegaard, Gunvor Danielsdottir, Elva Jonason,
The Sólskríkjan Icelandic Canadian Choir was there! Kristine Richardson
Frank Wilson, Gunnur Isfeld, Helle Wilson
Helle Zeidler Wilson, Honorary Consul, from the Royal Danish Consulate in Winnipeg
Wendy Hart, Winnipeg Press Club brings greetings
A biography of Jón Sigurdsson
Garry Oddleifson and Olof Wood
Way back when, Logberg merged with Heimskringla
Judi Wilson hands around the Vinarterta
Gunnthora Gisladottir, Karen Johannason
It was a carrot cake
Kar Johnson and Dr Ken Thorlakson
a little Icelandic Doll
Dr. Birna Bjarnadottir from the Dept of Icelandic Studies, U of Manitoba, and Joan Eyolfson Cadham
Gunnvar Danielsdottir and Dr. Richard of U of Manitoba Jazz Studies, and Joan Gillis
Dr. Ken Thorlakson, Honorary Consul for Norway Natalie Denesovych and Chairman of the Board Grant Stefanson
Dr Ken Thorlakson, Chairman of the Future Fund Capitol Campaign for L-H
Tim Samson. It was announced that The Winnipeg Foundation would give $20 000 in support
Grant Nordman, Winnipeg city Councilor gets told by Vi Bjarnason Hilton
Going from the Vellir Guesthouse just west of Vik and east of Petursey mountain to the Black sand beaches of Reynisfjara. [caption id="attachment_48321" align="aligncenter" width="800"]...
Another great day in and around Reykjavik with the help of the Purple WOW bikes. [caption id="attachment_45480" align="aligncenter" width="560"] Fabulous rocky Icelandic shoreline east of...
We looked at Harpa, again, and because it was raining, the Art Gallery in Reykjavik. [caption id="attachment_45437" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Reykjavik, the Smoky Bay[/caption] [caption...