Winnipeg International Writers Festival, Thin Air, W. D. Valgardson at the U of Winnipeg, Sept 21 2011


In September each year, Winnipeg welcomes writers from Canada and around the world for a week of readings, lectures, interviews, conversations, book launches, and other events. That week of literary feasting—which reaches out into the rural areas of the province as well—is THIN AIR, the Winnipeg International Writers Festival. With programming for adults and children, in English and French, THIN AIR is an infusion of energy into the thriving literary culture of this city.

Click here for the THIN AIR website

CAMPUS PROGRAM: WD Valgardson at the University of Winnipeg
The irrepressible WD Valgardson mixes Icelandic myth-making and the blunt realism of life in the Interlake in

“What the Bear Said: Skald Tales from New Iceland”


University of Winnipeg, Manitoba Hall



Thin Air 2011




Deborah Schnitzer


Margaret Sweatman introduces WD Valgardson





WD Valgardson