“The Sandwich” out of line theatre, May 8 2012

The Sandwich: Transforming Consciousness Bite by Bite is a neo-psychedelic performance work inspired by Albert Hoffman’s serendipitous discovery of LSD. In 1943, the Swiss chemist absorbed a small quantity of an unknown substance through his fingertips while attempting to re-synthesize the molecule ergot – a fungus that grows on diseased rye. Hoffman’s hallucinatory self-experimentations would go on to radically change how people experience the world.

The Sandwich: Transforming Consciousness Bite by Bite

Creation + Direction by Mia van Leeuwen

Co-creation + Performance by Ian Mozdzen


Julia Ryckman
Delf Gravert
Natasha Torres-Garner

Video: Richard Altman

Wednesday May 9, Thursday May 10, Friday May 11 and Saturday May 12 (8pm nightly)

Saturday May 12 after-party with DjBeekeeni Vavjungle begins following the final performance!    http://www.facebook.com/djbeekeeni

ATOMIC – 167 Logan Ave: http://atomiccentre.net/

$12 (student/artist/ underemployed) and $15 (regular). Cash only @ door.

Seating is limited. To reserve a seat: email info@outoflinetheatre.com or #291.9066 or FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/events/158401950955120/

With generous support from the Winnipeg and Manitoba Arts Council.

out of line theatre

out of line theatre invites audiences to witness and participate as the doors of perception open up for a modern character named Person.

Person is being eaten up by a culture of idleness, consumption and loneliness. Finally, Person cries out to the cosmos for help …

Did someone order a rye sandwich?

 Let the trip begin!

Part Alice in Wonderland, part Requiem For a Dream, part Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Sandwich is a transformative journey through a mindscape of altered states that will uncover the incredible and find new particles of truth floating in an ocean of insignificance.




The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg



The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Ian Mozdzen and Mia van Leeuwen



The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Ian Mozdzen









The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Ian Mozdzen


awesome cutting edge experimental theatre in Winnipeg






a giant orange!



climb into the giant orange


fractal video projections




The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Julia Ryckman





The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Ian Mozdzen




















Orange underwear




The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Delf Gravert










The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Ian Mozdzen














Winnipeg theatre dance party!



...and then the audience took off their clothes.




prepare to pour drippy sweet icing on the nearly naked man




Looks like ketchup and mustard, but it's sweet icing (theatre, nudity, happening, food)




Looks like a fun party. Food and nudity; foodity




The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Ian Mozdzen





Naked cake icing orgy!





dressed like a giant sandwich





The Sandwich; out of line theatre, Winnipeg, Ian Mozdzen







underwear parade down the street, Winnipeg