“The show was first broadcast in September 2006, replacing the long-running comedy show Madly Off in All Directions. The show was created by Richard Side. It is produced by Phillip Ditchburn, Anna Bonokoski and Richard Side.
Each season has approximately 33 new episodes. These are recorded in front of live audiences in studios, theatres and clubs across Canada.
While the show is known officially in CBC listings as The Debaters, during the third broadcast the show was instead introduced as Master Debaters. Ever since then the show has reverted to its original, officially sanctioned name.
The host of the first season was Shaun Majumder. The second season featured a succession of guest hosts, including Sean Cullen, Elvira Kurt, Patrick McKenna and Roman Danylo. As of the third season the regular host of the show is Steve Patterson.
Performers who have appeared on the show include Irwin Barker, Ian Boothby, Sean Cullen, Charles Demers, Gary Jones, Deborah Kimmett, Andy Kindler, Marc Maron, Patrick McKenna, Mark Meer, Darcy Michael, Greg Proops, Al Rae, Simon Rakoff, Dan Redican, Derek Seguin, Erica Sigurdson, Ron Sparks, Scott Thompson and Mary Walsh.
In 2011, the series also taped a number of episodes for broadcast as a television series on CBC Television, but did not get a second season.” from Wikipedia