Road Trip out West, May 11 2017

From Saskatoon through North Battleford, Lloydminster and on to Miquelon Lake by Edmonton.

Doukhobor Heritage in Canada. Near Langham Saskatchewan


Looking towards the North Saskatchewan River from Highway 16
Radisson Saskatchewan


Cool Vintage and Hardware shop in Radisson Saskatchewan

Vintage Magic Baking Powder painted sign
Radisson Saskatchewan


Vintage Car Collection

Famous Athlete and Runner, Hylke van der Wal. Radisson Saskatchewan
The Radisson Cafe is where everyone meets for coffee


Fort Battleford, 1876, James Walker
1885 Frog Lake uprising
Fort Battleford Saskatchewan


Fort Battleford Saskatchewan
The 4th meridian, otherwise known as the Alberta Saskatchewan border, runs right through Lloydminster.


Lloydminster, Saskatchewan side
A painting of the Battle of Batoche, by Larry More. In the Fred Light Museum, Fort Battleford Saskatchewan
Awesome vintage general store, Fred Light Museum


The History of St Vital School, Fred Light Museum
Fort Battleford, Fred Light Museum


Camping at Miquelon Lake Park. It’s a bit swampy and marshy around here so there were a lot of waterfowl, and mosquitoes.
Camping with a laptop