Islendingadagurinn, Aug 5 2012

More fun from the long weekend in Gimli.

Traditional Icelandic Women’s Dress



Icelanders love their books




This fellow had a lot of amazing old books from and about Iceland in English and Icelandic



Having some coffee and Skyr



Friz Nok




The Gimli game of Friz-Nok. Where you try to knock a beer bottle off a post with a Frizbee





“Hey camera guy! Take OUR picture!”


The Icelandic Festival Art Show in Gimli




Art by Freya Olafson



Everyone is heading to the Beach!



Gimli Public School, built in 1915


Nice little cottage in Gimli


Buick Wildcat



Cool dude with a puppy




The traffic in Gimli is crazy for the long weekend




Lots and lots of temporary tattoos



Hand crocheted viking hats made by Mom!



The Gimli Conference Centre


Salty’s in Winnipeg Beach



Before the fireworks, the orange moon rose out of Lake Winnipeg



Sparklers and fireworks on the beach


Fireworks over Gimli Pier




The Zipper, at the Carnival