Icelandic National League of North America, 93rd Convention, May 3 2012

93rd INL of NA Convention

Hosted by the Icelandic Canadian Club of Western Manitoba

in Brandon Manitoba Canada

Icelandic League of North America

Visit the website HERE:


The Icelandic National League of North America (INLNA) was established in 1919 as a non-political, cultural organization.  The INLNA strives to preserve the Icelandic heritage, culture and traditions our Icelandic pioneer forefathers brought to this continent. . .
– by promoting cooperation among Icelandic cultural
groups across North America
– and maintaining kinship ties with the people of Iceland.
INLNA maintains a head office, an email address,
( a website, a facebook presence, has regular executive meetings, annual conventions and offers a variety of programs/activities for it’s members to participate in, such as:
International Visit Tours (to/from Iceland/North America), Icelandic Heritage Calendar, INL Reads Program, Donald K. Johnson Film Screening Program, Icelandic Settlement Tours Program, INL T-Shirts, and other programs as they are developed.  In addition INLNA maintains a large email distribution ‘list’ for easy sharing of Icelandic news, information, projects, and activities.
The Icelandic National League of North America is compiled of various groups and individuals from across the United States and Canada.

Victoria Inn, Brandon Manitoba Canada




The Icelandic Newspaper, Logberg Heimskringla


Checking into the Icelandic Convention


Harold Jonasson, co-chair of the Icelandic Convention




Icelandic National League of North America





All the old Icelanders in a row


The Kaffi Tima Icelandic Choir from Selkirk





The Icelandic National League Convention Register, started in 1937


All Icelanders must sign the book!


Icelandic National League shirt



Icelandic Computer


Gloria Hill


Tasty Icelandic Food



Denis Oleson and W D Valgardson







The Kaffi Tima Icelandic Choir from Selkirk blend music and theatre


Icelandic National League of North America blanket/tapestry




There is only Brennivin in this large book, ha ha






Iceland Spar has a polarizing and double refractive quality



Nelson Gerrard has almost every Icelandic Family memorized in his head.


Old photograph of an immigrant Icelander