100,000 Views! Since June 13 2011, when LeifNorman.net launched, the site has had 100,000 views! That is an average of about 200 views per day over a...
Some old Atari game cartridges I found at a garage sale, May 2012 I was six years old when Atari started showing up in living rooms and, because it was the 80's, in basements, where we spent all...
Other versions of the Canadian Flag, Sept 1963 In the early 60's Canada was deciding what flag should replace the Red Ensign, which was in use since 1868. Canadian Art Magazine held a...
iPhone 3GS vs 4S screen resolution The "retina display" has twice as many pixels as the old one: [caption id="attachment_11402" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="iPhone 4S screen resolution. 640 x 960"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_11403"...
Fun with a Macro Lens and a Ring Flash, Oct 23 2011 When you are a bit bored with regular camera shenanigans, macro photography makes the world come alive again. No advice for what to do when...