“Beautiful Man” Theatre Projects Manitoba, Nov 15 2016


NOVEMBER 17–27, 2016

Venue: Rachel Browne Theatre – 211 Bannatyne Avenue

Directed by Ardith Boxall

“Did you see that movie? That new one with the cop? Yes, with the cop, and she’s trying to catch a serial killer, yes, who takes men. Beautiful men. Beautiful naked men who end up dead in basements. And the cop watches TV. Yes, she watches a historical fantasy about an Amazon Queen with a harem of writhing man-slaves. And the queen from that show, she’s watching a play. Right, she’s watching a play.”

TV is better than ever and binge worthy shows like Game of Thrones, True Detective and House of Cards frequently pop into happy hour conversation and accompany us into the wee hours of the night.

Erin Shield’s asks a simple question in her sexy, no-holds-barred play Beautiful Man: What if? What if, in these shows, the roles were reversed?

“Searing and consistently hilarious” –Jordan Bimm


Playwright- Erin Shields

Director- Ardith Boxall

Featuring Sarah Constible, Andrea del Campo, Tracy Penner and David Arial as the Beautiful Man

Production Design- Linda Beech

Video and Lighting Design- jaymez

Costume Design- Angela Vaags

Sound Design- Davis Plett

Production Management- Steven Vande Vyvere

“Beautiful Man” by Erin Shields. Theatre Projects Manitoba


Tracy Penner, Sarah Constible, Andrea del Campo, and David Arial as the Beautiful Man