Zsa Zsa West
A wonderful little Winnipeg Art Gallery at 211 Pacific Ave, run by Andrew Harwood.
Andrea Von Wichert performs her one Woman show “Overexposed” originally seen at the Fringe Fest
and many many new works of art, drawings, etc…
Andrea von Wichert is Overexposed (A Paperless Campaign)
Written by: Andrea von Wichert
Presented by: Dubious Company, Winnipeg, MB
Winnipeg Fringe Fest July 2012
Venue 5: Son of Warehouse
“Winnipeg’s Andrea von Wichert weaves a personal narrative around suicides and cemeteries, and the bloody, bloody history of Scotland.
Like a historic churchyard in Scotland so layered with the dead that the ground throws up long-buried bones, von Wichert digs up her own skeletons as she sorts out her feelings about the suicides of her father and his girlfriend. While visiting Scotland, she comes across an ad inviting travellers to stay in a teepee in the countryside, and so she goes (wouldn’t you?). Here she meets Torsten, a transplanted German expat with bones and bloodlines of his own to sort through.
Well-written and carefully paced, von Wichert’s compelling hybrid of travelogue, history lesson and confessional is very interesting.”
— Wendy Burke